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Often parents struggle with feeding their ‘picky’ toddlers. At Seattle Learning Center, we make sure to offer children a wide variety of healthy food options. Our lunches are (mostly) catered through Farestart at our Queen Anne location and occasionally cooked in house. At our Montlake location, we have a cook that makes all of the children’s meals from scratch.  We make sure to offer a wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables.

With several toddlers eating at once, parents frequently ask us how we get them to eat anything! Surprisingly, children tend to eat much better at school than at home. By seeing their friends using utensils and eating the same food, it naturally encourages them to try the food that is served.

We encourage parents to join in on meal times with children; eat similar foods, talk about the food on the plate, and make meal times fun! Please read this article discussing from the New York Times discussing this tricky topic.

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