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Full-day Schedule

You will be updated on your child’s day at SLC by an app called Learning Genie.  You can see pictures, videos, meals, diaper changes, toilet use, and nap schedule of your child.  To learn more about this app, please visit the Learning Genie website.

Queen Anne Daily Routines (There will be slight variations for each class.)

Rainbow and Sunshine Room Schedules

07:30-08:30 Early drop-off/free play (Garden Room)
08:30 Transition to Rainbow room
08:30-09:00 Breakfast
09:00-09:15 Diaper change/free play
09:15-09:30 Circle time (songs/stories)
09:30-09:45 Free play
09:45-10:00 Clean-up/prepare for outdoor play
10:00-10:30 Morning outdoor play
10:30-11:15 Morning snacks/diapers/free play
11:15-11:30 Clean-up/prepare for lunch
11:30-12:00 Lunch/prepare for nap
12:00-2:30 Nap time
02:30-03:00 Diaper change/free play
03:00-03:30 Afternoon snack
03:30-04:00 Afternoon outdoor play
04:00-05:00 Late snack/diapers/free play
05:00-05:30 Combine with Sunshine class/free play/pick up

Garden and Treehouse Schedules

7:30am – 8:30 am Arrival, hand washing and free play
8:30 am – 9 am Breakfast
*9:00 Start potty trips
9 am – 9:15 am Clean up after breakfast, and finish potty trips
9:15 am – 9:30 am Circle Time Transition to outside (shoes/coat on)
9:30 am -10:45 am Park time
10:45 am Leave park
10:45 am – 11:45 am Transition to inside (wash hands, put away shoes/coats)Free play
11:45 am – 12 pm Clean up and wash hands
12 pm – 12:30 pm Lunch
*12:00 Start potty trips
12:30 pm – 12:45 pm Potty trips and transition for nap
12:45 pm – 2 pm Nap and quiet play
2 pm – 2:15 pm Clean up after nap, set up snack Start potty trips
2:15 Snack
2:15-2:30 Potty trips
2:30 pm – 2:45 pm Circle Time Transition to outside (shoes/coat on)
2:45 pm – 3:45 pm Walk and outdoor play*Leave the park at 3:30pm
3:45 pm – 5:30 pm Transition to inside (wash hands, put away shoes/coats)Free play


Montlake Daily Routine

This is a guide only.  Infants and toddlers will be fed and will nap according to their needs.  Diaper changes will be as needed or every 2 hours.

Maple Room

Time and Activity

7:30-8:30am  Early drop-off
8:30-9:00  Breakfast
9:00-9:15  Circle/Story Time/Art
9:15-9:45  Diaper Changing Time
9:45-10:15  Outdoor Time
10:15-10:30  Free Play
10:30-10:45  Snack Time
10:45-11:45  Free Play (Blocks, Fine and Sensory Motor), Music and Story
11:45-12:15  Diaper Changing
12:15-12:30  Lunch
12:30-2:30  Rest and Nap time
2:30-2:45  Diaper Changing
2:45-3:00  Snack
3:00-3:30  Outdoor Time
3:30-4:45  Free Play/Late Snack Time if children are hungry
4:45-5:30  Diaper Changing Free Play/Pick-up Time

Willow Class Room

Time and Activity
7:30-8:15 Drop-off/Free Play
8:15-8:45 Breakfast
8:45-9 Clean-up
9-9:15 Circle Time
9:15-9:45 Free Play/Kindergarten work/Potty
9:45-10 Get ready for outside/Independent reading
10-11:30 Outdoor Time
11:30-11:45 Potty/Get ready for lunch, wash hands
11:45-12:15 Lunch
12:15-2 Nap/Kindergarten small group work
2-2:30 Potty/Free Play/Get ready for snack
2:30-3 Snack/Get ready to go outside
3-4:30 Outdoor time
4:30-5 Go back inside/Potty/Free Play
5-5:30 Free Play/Art/Pick-up/Late Snack if requested