At school I am known as Miss Stacey but what most don’t realize is that I am learning just as much from my students (if not more) than they are from me. Here is just a sample of the lessons learned from my most favorite teachers:
Forgiveness and letting go: It is a familiar seen to any early childhood classroom to see some type of conflict though out the day (So and so took my car, I want to play with this but they won’t let me!) but to see the children learn to communicate, say their piece, and move on never ceases to amaze me. I even witnessed an incident the other week where a friend got hurt by another friend and this friend went to go check on them and see how they were doing to which the friend responded “It’s ok, I’m ok, I know you didn’t mean to hurt me and we are still friends.” Talk about a beautiful moment!
How to be present and engage: In a world full of distractions these children bring me back and remind me to enjoy the simple things in life and the power of connection. There is nothing as sweet as really diving into their worlds with them whether that is being present in a game or read aloud, or spending the time to just listen and talk with them. Building solid relationships is everything!
Intentionality and purpose: When it comes to the lessons I want to teach, the behavior management techniques I utilize, the language I choose with the children I am continuously reminded how my actions matter. I am inspired to think about my actions and behaviors with a reflective, intentional, and purposeful lense to ensure I am the best Miss Stacey I can be for these children- and its not always easy but these children deserve nothing less.
To slow down and find the joy around you: As adults we may not always take the time to stop and find the beauty in some of the smaller or simpler things in life. A child’s joie de vivre is extremely contagious. They will get so excited for a simple walk to see the chickens or the passion they exude when discussing their interests (I have had countless exuberant conversations about bakugans, unicorns etc) leaves me something to strive for in my own life.
Their courage and confidence. My comfort zone is a place where shockingly I am super comfortable in and struggle to venture outside of. When I see children tackle new experiences and their persistence and determination in these situations gives me the confidence and support that I can do it too! Children move through the world with a confidence, boldness, and fierceness that should be admired and celebrated. They are often the mirror you need to see your most authentic self.
While this list could truly be a never ending list I’ll end with a simple thank you for allowing me the privilege of learning from these masters daily and a cheers to them!
Miss Stacey
Social Intelligence (referenced on home page)
“Hey Parents, Leave Those Kids Alone”
Risk is Essential to Childhood
Raising an Emotionally Intelligent ChildLove and Logic
How Can Exercise Improve Learning?
How to Choose the Right Kindergarten School
Brain Rules for Baby by John Medina Book Summary
The Hurried Child
Miseducation- Preschoolers at Risk- Book Review
Caring for Infants with Respect
Stress Management- How to Become Calm